who gets fat from eating apple o.O
who gets fat from eating apple o.O
I had no problem until the fourth task came up :/ got 85 on first try.... not bad i guess
Fun game though!
>:) I lived many times!... you just have to know how to use your resources.
fun, but easy
Pretty fun just like the first one, but easy!!!
At day 15 I had everything maxed out! lol
>:# Grrrrrrrr
I was having a good ol' time creating my robot (spent about 2 hours building a pretty sweet robot) when I decided to save. Little did I know that you had to have a profile on jacksmack in order to save. and when I clicked the register/login button. it cleared everything I had done.
...... In other words, it had to clear the work I had done in order to save it!?! WTH! I just wasted a bunch of time >:(
Besides that, It was a pretty fun game that will keep you occupied for a couple of hours.... unless you have A.D.D. (>_>)
Really fun
I can see myself playing this game on my iphone, and would recommend finding a way to put it on the iphone.
Things that you should improve/add:
1)needs more levels and more creatures.
2)perhaps health drops for every 100 kills
3)more ways to spend my cash :)
Do these and make it a downloadable app for the iphone and you will make bank!
fun stuff
It was a pretty fun game, but it could use a lot more features.
I suggest adding more upgrades/more interesting upgrades and many more fights.
Online multiplayer play would also be a great addition.
Fun, but way too easy. I got a score of 8 mil and could have gotten higher, but I got bored of the same song, and routine (granted I was playing for more than 15 minutes....I think).
Anyhooo..... It was entertaining and is worth checking out.
it's alright
awesome graphics and smooth game play, but there wasn't much to it.
I fought twice then got bored. If there were more moves, characters, and levels to fight on then I would have really enjoyed this.
"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do."
Age 37, Male
Env. Eng.
TTU Grad
Joined on 2/24/07